Thursday, February 10, 2011

Excel Project

Average of PctIncreaseHRGender  
Subject AgeFMGrand Total
Grand Total89.8%90.2%90.0%

In today's business world Excel is the norm. I constantly utilize Excel to create reports for both activities and sales numbers. I have been in inside and outside sales for the last 8 years of my career. As I have developed as a professional I constantly find new ways to utilize Excel. As an inside sales person I began using Excel to track bid results for daily quotes that I submitted to my various customers. By tracking what price won the business on a simple spreadsheet I was able to improve sales results. As an outside salesperson I now use spreadsheets to track daily sales activities to report to management and track goals.

So, I have been using Excel for years and consider myself pretty spreadsheet proficient. That being said this lesson was very helpful. This self proclaimed Excel veteran picked up several new practices that will make my like easier. Specifically the functions portion was very helpful. Using the “IF” function for comparing values will be very helpful in tracking sales goals in my current spreadsheets. Another helpful hint I picked up is using the “$” to make a cell absolute.

So all in all I found this project very applicable to the business world today. I enjoyed the lesson and know that some of the things I learned will make my like easier.

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